Shots fired

The following is a collection of rather stupid ways I've shot myself in the foot in OCaml. I intend to update this page should my wonderful feet get shot again :)

No ifs given

open Format

let () =
let say_this = false in
if say_this then
printf "ignore what's said next :)\n";
printf "<insert something that can get you cancelled>\n";
printf "but hey, no ifs given\n" ;

will (sadly) print

<insert something that can get you cancelled>
but hey, no ifs given


type child =
| C0
| C1

type parent =
| P0
| P1 of child
| P2 of child * child

let foo p =
match p with
| P0 -> "p0"
| P1 c ->
match c with
| C0 -> "p1->c0"
| C1 -> "p1->c1"
| P2 _ -> "p2"

will fail to compile with an error message...

File "", line 17, characters 4-6:
17 | | P2 _ -> "p2"
Error: This variant pattern is expected to have type child
There is no constructor P2 within type child

The fix: wrap the nested match with either (..) or begin..end.

| P1 c ->
(match c with
| C0 -> "p1->c0"
| C1 -> "p1->c1")

The rebound

You start by writing this neat function...

let rec foo flags xs =
match xs with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs ->
let flags = new_flags x in
let x = a_long_function_name x in
x :: (foo flags xs)

But then, the compulsion to make your code look ✨beautiful✨ (or realistically, you did not bother perusing the logic of the program) leads you to refactor it as follows:

let rec foo flags xs =
match xs with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs ->
let x = a_long_function_name x in
let flags = new_flags x in
x :: (foo flags xs)

and all the tests fail... oops :)

To ; or not

let () =
let xs = [1,2,3,4,5] in
Format.printf "%d" (List.length xs)

will print 1 (and not 5). List elements are delimited by ; and not ,.